Two centuries of expertise in bronze art

Founded in 1832, Rémy Garnier has preserved the know-how of decorative hardware from generation to generation.

A family of visionaries...

Born in Montbard, Burgundy, a town with a great metalworking tradition, Rémy Garnier forged his reputation by becoming one of the inventors of the cremone bolt. This new window locking system which provides a protection against cold replaced locks and espagnolettes in modern luxury buildings.

His son, Rémy-Louis Garnier, was to use the patents registered by his ingenious father to ensure that the workshop would remain ahead of its competitors.


The spectacular collection of hundreds of mother models of espagnolettes, locks, handles and other door knockers and knobs owes much to the imagination and tastes of these patrons.

At the showroom on the Boulevard de la Bastille (Paris), you can admire neo-Gothic, neo-Renaissance, Art Deco and Art Nouveau models.

The workshops

Paris Bastille

With its 500 square metres, the workshop on the Boulevard de la Bastille is huge. The craftsmen who work there are aware that they are working in one of the last great art workshops in Paris.

Château-Renault, Touraine

The bronzes come from the workshop in Château Renault. The foundry is the heart of it. It is a large room where the fire smoulders permanently. In a vat, the bronze is heated to nearly a thousand degrees.


The merger with ME Dupont

In 2013, Rémy Garnier expanded its range of expertise by merging with ME Dupont, an art bronzier specializing in lighting fixtures, luxury metal and bronze furniture.