Laurent joined Maison Rémy Garnier 13 years ago (in 2011), but before that he had a full and atypical career.

He studied at the famous École Boulle from 1978 to 1982 as a turner. The following year, in 1983, at a training center (which no longer exists!), he obtained a CAP in assembly. That same year, he arrived at Gau for a small contract as a carpenter.

He went to work for a small artisan carpenter to put to profile what he had learned during his training: he began to come up with unusual ideas - special work, as he called it - for two-star hotels.

He shows his versatility by carrying out the entire production chain, except for the foundry: "I don't feel like playing with fire," he says ironically!

Tour of the big houses 

He then joined Baguès as workshop manager. It was at this point that he began proposing non-catalog projects, bringing his imagination and sketches to life.

It's 1998-1999, and computers aren't yet on every desk: his models are made on paper. Hands, pencils and paper have had a hard life over the past 10 years.

In 2009, it was the end! He was out of work for 6 months, but he didn't let it get him down: he took the opportunity to train and develop his skills in 3D computing. He's going to become an expert on the latest software. And that's just one more skill!

Once his training was complete, it was Bronzes de France 's turn to hire Laurent.

He applies his wide-ranging knowledge to thousands of job sites.

He recalls a major project in Morocco involving large structures (luminaires and meublier) and, above all, 9-meter-high lanterns for a luxury hotel!

Next stop: Rémy Garnier

2 1/2 years later, he arrived (at last!) at Rémy Garnier: he was to be the driving force behind the creation of the Design Office. Little by little, he showed that this office was necessary for the company. Thanks to his 25 years of experience and knowledge of the entire workshop production chain, we took this idea seriously.

From the first sketch to computer modeling, the Design Office is equipped with the latest digital tools to respond effectively to customer requirements.

And all thanks to our Laurent International!

The man of a thousand passions

But you know Rémy Garnier isn't all there is to life, he has many other passions.

He loves motorcycling on two levels: restoring old models because "it's all about the mechanics and the parts, and I love transforming them".

He loves Art with a capital A: he likes to spend his free time "doodling drawings" and is totally "in awe of grown-ups who know how to draw like we know how to open a door".

"Discovering nature on hikes where there's no one around, it's a treat to take stock of oneself and no longer hear the horns: it's paradise!" 

Next December, a new challenge for him: he will be retired. At last!" he says.